USDVA Event: Next Generation of Community Care Network (CCN)
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is exploring a new contract structure for the Next Generation Community Care Network (CCN) contracts. To continue the research, VA will host a virtual Industry Day event on November 13, 2023, from 10:00 – 11:30 AM Eastern Standard Time. The goal of this event is to provide an opportunity for healthcare industry representatives to discuss changes to the Community Care Network (CCN) that the VA is exploring.
CCN connects Veterans to the health care they need when and where needed. CCN has nearly 1.6 million healthcare providers nationwide who are crucial partners with us in caring for our nation’s Veterans. As part of the VA’s effort to improve Veterans’ access to health care, we are actively planning to improve how Veterans obtain care using CCN and want to connect with industry leaders to listen and learn about ways to make VA community care better. We anticipate getting feedback from the healthcare industry on a proposed new structure that separates CCN capabilities into different domains, each with its oversight, including:
- Regional medical care network and claims processing.
- National dental network and claims processing.
- National pharmacy benefits management and claims processing.
- Veteran Family Member Program (VFMP) claims processing.
- National integrated services, such as VFMP customer service, data exchange, and program integrity.
VA’s goal is to build on current successes, leverage improved technologies, and streamline procedures to ensure we can continue to provide the soonest and best care to Veterans. The proposed CCN restructure will not change services provided to Veterans and family members in the community but rather improve access to health care by allowing more direct oversight to enable the highest quality care for Veterans.
We invite industry feedback during the Industry Day event on this proposed structure and other improvements we are working on. Interested participants should keep an eye on sam.gov, which will provide more information on how to register for the event.