Homeless Veterans
Many veterans face challenges throughout their lives that may lead to home loss. The Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) recognizes that every homeless veteran’s story is different, including their specific needs to help them get back into permanent and stable housing. There are still many homeless veterans living in shelters, with relatives, and even on our streets, but by partnering with other organizations, we have reached the point of being able to assist newly identified homeless veterans.
Definition of a Homeless Veteran
The United States Code contains the official federal definition of homelessness, which is commonly used because it controls federal funding streams. In Title 42, Chapter 119, Subchapter 1, “homeless” is defined as follows: §11302. General definition of homeless individual (a)For purposes of this chapter, the term “homeless” or “homeless individual or homeless person” includes:
- an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and
- an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is:
- a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill);
- an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized;
- a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.”
Where to Find Help
If you or someone you know is homeless or at risk of homelessness, immediate help is available:
Select a link to your particular area for local resources.
There are many VA benefits that may support your specific needs, so it is important you know what benefits you may be eligible for. VA benefits include disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment, and burial. See all VA programs for veterans facing homelessness on the federal VA website https://www.benefits.va.gov/persona/veteran-homeless.asp, or visit your local Veterans Service Office at https://va.alabama.gov/serviceofficer/ to find local resources nearest you.